
Meditation Is Mindfulness, But Mindfulness Isnā€™t Meditationā€”Wait, What?

Meditation and mindfulness are often used interchangeably, but they represent distinct yet complementary approaches to cultivating presence and awareness. While meditation is a mindfulness practice, mindfulness extends beyond meditation, encompassing a range of ways to engage with the present...

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Embrace Intuitive Eating: Nourishing Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

What is Intuitive Eating?

Intuitive eating is a practice that encourages you to listen to your body’s signals, helping you make choices that truly support your well-being on all levels—physical, emotional, and spiritual. Rather than adhering to external rules or diets, intuitive...

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Listening to Our Bodies They Know More than We Do!

The body holds much of the information we need to function at our best, but too often we ignore its messages and plow ahead with what our minds tell us. Perhaps because we’re not taught from early on to pay attention to internal messages as well as external demands, we frequently ignore our...

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From Awareness to Action: Letting Your Ah-Haā€™s Guide Your Decisions

Are your decisions based on urgent demands for your immediate attention?

Do you find that your intuition is speaking but you’re not listening?

Would you like to take action based on your mind, body, heart, and intuition?

Let’s looks at these five assumptions.

Assumption #1


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The Lighter Side of Mindfulness: 7 Simple Practices to Expand Awareness and Fulfillment

According to a 2014 article in Time magazine, mindfulness meditation is becoming popular among people who would not normally consider meditation.  Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, defines mindfulness as “moment-to-moment, non-judgmental...

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