
How to Be More Productive Today

Do you struggle with productivity? Are you always striving to get your task list accomplished but end up constantly moving tasks to the next day? If this describes you, here are a few tips for making your day more productive.

Create a To-Do List the Night Before

Instead of waking up in the...

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How Well Do You Maintain Balance?

If trying to maintain balance in your life makes you feel like a tightrope walker, you’re not alone. Most of us have so many demands on our time and energy that life can feel like a three-ring circus. Take this quiz to see how well you are meeting responsibilities, while also recognizing...

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The Importance of Idle Time in a Fast-Forward World

Claiming the Empty Spaces
The Importance of Idle Time in a Fast-Forward World

“What is this life if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare.”

—W. H. Davies

You’re just about to leave for your dentist appointment when you receive a phone call saying the dentist has...

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Full Speed Ahead with Positive Thinking

Full Speed Ahead with “Yes, and” Thinking

Nothing zaps a great idea faster than “Yes, but….” You might as well say “No.”

It’s not just about semantics. In fact, “Yes, but” may be the No. 1 phrase for killing personal hope, putting...

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Self-Quiz: Are You “Too Busy?”

Time is the great equalizer. Everybody gets the same amount: 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour. We can’t save time or accumulate or rearrange it. We can’t turn it off or on. It can’t be replaced.

But these days, it seems as if the lament of not having enough time has...

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The Solopreneur’s Guide to Giving Great Presentations

There is no more effective marketing than powerfully delivering your own message to a rapt crowd.

And yet far too many solopreneurs shy away from presentation opportunities due to a fear of public speaking, a fear of putting themselves “out there” before an audience of...

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The Importance of Play in Our Lives

If it feels like you have less leisure time and fewer unstructured “play” hours in your life, you’re not alone. Consider these statistics:

  • The average married couple works 26 percent longer each year than similar working couples did thirty years ago.
  • Leisure time among children...
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Top 10 Year-End Review Questions

As the year speeds to its end, we begin to mentally prepare for next year. But don’t forget to take time to assess your personal and professional challenges and accomplishments THIS year. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  1. What have I accomplished this year? Be specific. Write...
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Accessing the Power of Gratitude


The practice of gratitude as a tool for happiness has been in the mainstream for years. Long-term studies support gratitude’s effectiveness, suggesting that a positive, appreciative attitude contributes to greater success in work, greater health, peak performance in sports and...

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Addictive Eating: Are You Powerless Over Food?

The holidays of winter often bring to mind the image of a full table—and a full stomach. We gather with friends and family and feast merrily on pies and potatoes, turkey and ham and all of the fixings that many of us dearly enjoy.

There is another side to that pretty picture, however.


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Reclaiming Silence

Silence is no longer golden. 

In today’s world, “white noise” suffuses our office buildings; music, news and sports broadcast in public places morning to night; leaf blowers scream; cell phones track us down with their insistent rings. Our homes offer no refuge either: On...

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Living and Loving from Gratitude

Be joyful even when you have considered all the facts.” —Wendell Berry

Jennifer has recently been through a painful divorce and she’s not sleeping well. She’s having difficulties with her children, who blame her for the divorce. Her work life is rocky as well,...

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