
Reclaiming Silence

Silence is no longer golden. 

In today’s world, “white noise” suffuses our office buildings; music, news and sports broadcast in public places morning to night; leaf blowers scream; cell phones track us down with their insistent rings. Our homes offer no refuge either: On...

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Living and Loving from Gratitude

Be joyful even when you have considered all the facts.” —Wendell Berry

Jennifer has recently been through a painful divorce and she’s not sleeping well. She’s having difficulties with her children, who blame her for the divorce. Her work life is rocky as well,...

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Top 10 Powerful Questions to Ask

The poet e.e. cummings wrote: “Always the beautiful answer, who asks a more beautiful question.” Indeed, solid strategic plans, strong work relationships, high morale and improved performance are all byproducts of good questions. This potent communication tool can help you discover...

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Time Chunks: Itā€™s Not How Much You Have, Itā€™s How You Chunk It!

No matter how many new technological innovations are created to improve our efficiency and productivity, there are still just 24 hours in every day. Time Chunks is a new way to open up more time.

This limitation leads to missed business, deadlines, and opportunities. It also results in...

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Listening Practices: Tips and Traps

Have you ever noticed how GOOD it feels to be really listened to? It’s impactful, particularly when the listening goes beyond just the words you’re speaking. That kind of artful listening conveys respect and value to the speaker, and promotes positive relationships of all...

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10 Best Email Habits

Utilize these efficient tactics to increase your productivity.

Improving your email habits can drastically increase your productivity. Like any new approach, these take focus and practice. But after awhile, they will become habits that support you.

1. Check email only at scheduled times for a...

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Quiz: How Well Do You Manage Your Energy?

When the seemingly relentless demands at work and burdens of a busy life take their toll on work performance, we tend to think that managing our time better will improve the situation. If we can just work faster, multitask more efficiently, things will be better, we think, as we buy the...

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Quiz: How Well Do You Manage Stress?

The impact of stress accumulates, and, beyond the ongoing, regular stress that comes from living in our high-impact culture, specific life events can really knock us for a loop. Even happy changes can cause bumps in the road, which we register both physically and emotionally. While we can’t...

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“My candle burns at both ends/it will not last the night.” —Edna St. Vincent Millay

Burnout resists simple definition because it affects so many aspects of an individual’s life. In their book, Beyond Burnout, authors David Welch, Donald Medeiros and George Tate,...

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Becoming a Workplace Warrior

Another day, another deadline. You gulp caffeine and forge ahead, like the steadfast worker you are. A good soldier never gives up the fight, right?

Only if you view work as a battleground.

There’s a decisive difference between soldiering on, gamely shouldering the workload you’re...

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Coaches, How Do You Get Your Ideal Client to Call?

When it comes attracting clients, coaches may be tempted to tell people what we do and assume what they need.  A better (and more coach-like) approach is to LISTEN – what are the needs, frustrations and wants of your ideal client? What’s the conversation in their heads,...

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Creating Systems for Success

Most of us run our lives on a handful of systems. Between our cellphones, our planners and our e-mail inboxes, we have organized ourselves and our time. And if you ever doubt the importance of these systems, recall your panic the last time you lost your planner.

Yet as important as these systems...

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